FSVS provides work-related immigration services for USC hiring departments across the University.
USC has a long history of attracting outstanding talent in diverse fields from around the globe. Faculty/Staff Visa Services (FSVS) supports that mission by providing advanced, specialized expertise in immigration for higher education needs. We act as advocates for our institution and our people, liaising with our professional field and government agencies to achieve the best possible results for our clients.
The FSVS team is composed of immigration professionals who represent over 40 years of experience focused on the specialized immigration needs of higher education institutions.
Please note: The information on this site pertains only to international employment at USC and is not intended, nor should it be used as, immigration legal advice. Furthermore, the University has no control over external sites to which links are found on this site. In the event that information provided at those sites conflicts with University policy, USC rules and regulations will be determinative.
Are you a student or J-1 scholar?
FSVS is not a resource for F-1 international student matters or J-1 scholars. Please visit the USC Office of International Services site which administers USC’s J-1 and F-1 visa programs.